An eight-year-old boy approached an old man in front of a wishing well, looked up into his eyes and asked: "I understand you're a very wise …
Thoughts From An Expanding Mind
Taking A Break
No matter how much we love what we do to as a vocation or to earn a living, we all need to "get away from it all" once in awhile. The brain …
Things get Rearranged
Things get rearranged all the time. Life moves not just our own paths, but everything around us as we hurdle through space in constant …
Complaining About The Weather?
People often complain about the weather. Either it's too hot or too cold, too sunny or too rainy. Our perspective is so limited that most …
Taking Time To Be Playful
In this world of hustle and bustle, how often do we stop to take time to be playful? How often do we even have the thought of how to make …
Are You Listening?
How often do you find yourself in a heated discussion wondering how did things get so loud? Is the other person accusing you of something …