The connection between our emotions and our bodies is much deeper than we think.
As humans, we have a tendency to disconnect the physical from the emotional in our minds.
We think that being upset or being happy has no effect on how our bodies function.
Yet the opposite is true. Our feelings and our emotions are intricately intertwined with our physical bodies.
When we are stressed, when we are depressed, when we are frightened, our bodies internal mechanisms all shift.
Our immune systems don’t work as well, the blood flows more slowly or at a heightened rate. Our digestion starts to shut down. Our breathing becomes more shallow and less oxygen makes it into the blood.
When we are joyful, happy and content, our bodies respond by functioning quite well. Our immune system works better, the blood flow to all of our organs is more steady, we breath more deeply and our whole body is nourished.
When we suppress our emotions, the body reacts as well. When we do that over a long period of time, wherever we store those emotions in our bodies, suffers from long term stress, and dis-ease begins to form.
Science is showing us that there is a direct correlation between our emotional health and our physical health.
So if we truly want to be healthy through our entire lives, emotional health is essential.
How do we become emotionally healthy? By expressing and working through our emotional ups and downs instead of hiding them. We all need a safe space in which to express ourselves. Find the one or two people you feel safe with, and express yourself.
A little talking and openness can go a long way…
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant