The big lie the world perpetrates is that we are powerless to do anything about the way life is. We are too small, we do not have enough resources, we are not well connected enough, in short, we have …
The Cup Runneth Over
There are many ways to fill up our cup. For some people, they fill up their cup by being with friends and family. For others, it comes from being out in nature. And for still others, it can come …
Constant Vigilance
Seeing what we don't want to see about ourselves is some of the hardest work we can do. Self-examination, self-reflection, and self-analysis is key to truly knowing ourselves. It's not easy. and it's …
Positive Vibration
When we look at others who have accomplished more than we have so far, it is easy to feel bad about ourselves. We compare ourselves and see what we haven't done while this other person has achieved …
Everyday Stability
Learning to surf the highs and lows of life is one of our greatest assets. In the current times we live in, change literally happens on a daily basis. Emotional peaks and valleys accompany this pace …
The Empathy Gap
Working with groups of people can be a challenge at times. One disruptive person in your company, your business or your clientele can infest others and change the whole experience. In those …