Self-care has become a greater part of daily conversations. In the past, no one really talked about it, or even used the term "Self-care." …
Thoughts From An Expanding Mind
Visualize and Create
We are often told that our past defines our future. That our experiences and our history shape what we will create. Yet the flaw in this …
Positive Vibration
When we look at others who have accomplished more than we have so far, it is easy to feel bad about ourselves. We compare ourselves and see …
Spiritual Thermodynamics
The loss of someone in our lives, particularly someone older, who we've looked up for many years, never feels good. Because they are no …
Refusal and Vindication
We often think that we have to be right in order to stand up for ourselves. Actually, the two have nothing to do with each other. Being …
A Shaft of Light
How we identify ourselves is a tricky thing. When we are young we identify with super heroes, sports figures or people in our lives. As we …