Yet sometimes being stuck is exactly where we need to be.
There is great information in being in that place of stuckness.
Perhaps it is an indication that you can take a break. Perhaps it is a way for the Universe to slow you down and give you some perspective.
Maybe we need to be stuck every once in awhile to remind us of what’s like, and why we like moving forward so much more.
There is so much to be learned from being in a stuck place, we just have to learn to be okay with not being comfortable in that place, give it some space, and look at it with new eyes.
Is there another way to go?
Are you sure you want to continue on the path you’re on?
Is there a new direction or new journey you can take that feels better for you?
Are there things you have not yet considered about where you are that you can look at more deeply?
Being stuck is one of the great pauses we can take to look around, re-evaluate, and reconsider what we’re doing or where we’re going.
Let’s not waste the moment complaining about it. Let’s use being stuck as the great opportunity it is to ponder and meditate on our situation more deeply…
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant