Starting new, destroying the old, recreating our lives is both liberating and painful. It is painful because we are often attached to how …
Thoughts From An Expanding Mind
Wonders of Creation
Nothing is created alone. We all create our lives in community. It might be a small community or a large community, regardless we create …
Burying The Hatchet
Forgiveness is more than just a virtue. Forgiveness is more than just an act of kindness. Forgiveness is more than just a way to feel …
Reversing the Victim Narrative
Blaming others is easy. Pointing fingers, being a victim, putting all our problems on someone else, is what we are taught from a young age …
The Search for Healing
When we seek retribution, we may find satisfaction, but we rarely find peace. When we seek vengeance, we might find justice, but we rarely …
Decisions, Decisions…
The big lie the world perpetrates is that we are powerless to do anything about the way life is. We are too small, we do not have enough …