When we focus so intently on the busy-ness of our lives, and concentrate our vacations, our fun times to one small section of our years, we …
Thoughts From An Expanding Mind
Life with unknown
Life often takes us to places we didn't expect. Yes, we are good at planning, scheduling and arranging our days, but when life pulls you …
Align with love
Sometimes, the simplest truths are the most profound. We have heard it many times before, Love is the highest frequency, the fundamental …
Reflect your life
How often do we hear it - it's the journey not the destination that matters - but how often do we really pay attention to it? It is so easy …
Your Purpose
What does purpose mean to you? Do you look for purpose in your life? Do you make purpose important to you, or do you just travel through …
Dealing changes
As you have been hearing so much lately, we live in a time of perpetual change. Sometimes it comes in forms we expect, and sometimes it …