We often think that we have to be right in order to stand up for ourselves. Actually, the two have nothing to do with each other. Being …
A Shaft of Light
How we identify ourselves is a tricky thing. When we are young we identify with super heroes, sports figures or people in our lives. As we …
Focus, Intention, and Expectation
Is there a difference between focus, intention and expectation? When we focus on one thing to help bring it into our awareness, does that …
The Human Dichotomy
We often feel that the lower sides of our nature are something to get rid of, suppress, or excise. Yet, we were born with these natures, …
Hearts on Sleeves
Presence in our lives is more about the awareness of our inner state than the outer world. We often think that being present is about how …
Everyday Stability
Learning to surf the highs and lows of life is one of our greatest assets. In the current times we live in, change literally happens on a …