Some say faith is believing in what we cannot see.
Often, faith is relegated to the religious or spiritual.
Yet, do we not all have to have faith in our vision and our goals in order to move forward?
Do we not have to have faith in ourselves and our abilities in order to create something new?
Believing in what we cannot see externally does not mean we cannot see it internally.
Indeed, it all starts with an internal vision for what we desire to bring into this world.
Is our vision of a new business, a new building, or a new organization to feed the poor?
Do we not have a vision for what our lives will look like in a few days, a few weeks, or a few years?
Vision and Faith go hand in hand and are essential for us to move forward regardless how we apply them.
Perhaps our belief in ourselves is a little tenuous, and not as strong as we would like it to be.
Yet we still carry on and move forward, acting as if it will still manifest.
We cannot be any other way. If we do not have faith then we would never start our next project or our next venture.
It is time to reclaim Faith from the religious connotation it has been carrying for years and turn it back into one that empowers and supports us.
Our faith can bring us together, not divide us, if we allow it.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant