Whenever we start to learn something new, it is hard to forget what we already know.
We have accumulated so much knowledge over our lifetime that it is hard to see things that are new.
Or to see them from a different perspective.
At these times, I don’t know can be very powerful words indeed.
To cultivate that beginner’s mind, we can practice I don’t know.
To admit that we only know less than one billionth of what’s out there, use I don’t know.
Sure, we may know a lot.
Sure, what we are hearing may seem trite and boring.
Yet we are different people than when we heard it before.
Our experiences are different.
Our perspectives are different.
Our energy is different.
So even though we have heard that old saying a million times, I don’t know can help us hear it in a new way.
To see it in a new context.
To accept it at a deeper level.
We can all use a little more humility.
We can all use a beginner’s mind to help us be more open.
More flexible.
More creative.
How many times have we said I know that, when in fact, we didn’t.
For even if we did know it, we didn’t practice it.
We didn’t use it.
Sometimes, it’s not about knowing it or not knowing it.
It’s about letting it in to truly affect us.
To change us.
To surrender to what it has to teach us.
I don’t know can be the three most powerful words for us to learn to grow.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant