We often think that the most important thing we can do is just show up. So many people never bother showing up for so many important events, that we place a lot of emphasis on getting there, and being …
When you meet disagreement
In this world we tend to push hard against the things we don't want or don't believe should exist. There are two basic problems with that action. First, the most we focus on something, the more we …
How to solve problems
We all see the problems of the world around us. From poverty to hunger, war to brutality, the evidence is unavoidable. But what is it evidence of? Many of us want a world of peace and harmony, were we …
Let your dream big
We are often told, when we dream big dreams, to be practical. But what exactly does that mean? Being practical is about making something useful and applicable. How are big dreams not practical? Just …
Amazing healing
Healing is quite an amazing thing. It comes in all shapes and sizes, and looks different for everyone. Sometimes when we are healing, we don't feel well, even worse when we getting sick. Does that …
Celebration of our life
We celebrate so many things in life, our favorite winning team, a TV show we enjoy, when a hero in a movie triumphs over the villain. How much time do we take to celebrate ourselves? Not in an …