Is it possible to have Authority without Attitude? When you become an expert in something, does that mean you have to flaunt it and let …
Cultural Impact
Culture and society are so tightly linked together. We often don't realize the impact that one has on the other. Without supporting the high …
Stepping Back
Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward in the right direction. We often find that what we thought was the right …
Change is Inevitable
Not only is it inevitable, but it is occurring at a faster and faster rate every day! We were used to the seasons changing, now we have to …
What is Your Vision?
Vision is not about how well we see the world, but how well we use our imagination to create a new future. Our vision is our guide, that …
Courage and Fear
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. Mark Twain We all fear something. Some people hide it better than …