We are often told, when we dream big dreams, to be practical. But what exactly does that mean? Being practical is about making something …
Amazing healing
Healing is quite an amazing thing. It comes in all shapes and sizes, and looks different for everyone. Sometimes when we are healing, we …
Celebration of our life
We celebrate so many things in life, our favorite winning team, a TV show we enjoy, when a hero in a movie triumphs over the villain. How …
Independence for existence
Independence is a concept born of a desire for freedom. When people are oppressed, enslaved and treated as cattle, their natural urge is to …
Embrace your change
Does it seem sometime that change is overwhelming you? Are you tired of having to adapt and cope with another new trend in society or …
Pain and suffering
There was a quote that looked quite interesting "Pain is part of life, but suffering is optional." Is pain really a part of life? Is …