Control in our lives is something we often strive for, yet in fact it is not attainable. We think we can control our circumstances, in …
Idle Hands
Cleaning House is about much more than just straightening up our living environment. How we take care of our home, the place we sleep at …
Lines in the Sand
Learning the rules is important, for many reasons. When you learn the rules of the game, any game including life, you understand how to …
Tomorrow Comes Today
Blessings often come in the most unusual ways, at the most unusual times. Sometimes they don't even look like blessings. It might look …
(Don’t Fear) The First Law of Thermodynamics
Grief is a part of life. We grieve when we lose someone. We grieve when when we lose something that is dear to us. It is normal to …
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Wrestling With Pain
Loss is something we all deal with. Whether it is the loss of a friend, a parent, a loved one, or even a home, we all deal with loss some …