The pain of birth is something only a woman knows.
Yet the gestation and birth of our ideas can be equally uncomfortable.
We work hard to create something new.
Often from very little or nothing at all.
We stare into blank space awaiting the vision to come to us.
Before us are many paths to take.
How do we choose?
What muse will inspire us?
And when we have our stoke of insight, the task is just begun.
Then come the long hours.
The sleepless nights.
The self doubts and the criticism.
Is what we are building really worth it?
Are the sacrifices and the pain leading somewhere, or will it all be in vain?
Then, we come to the moment of truth.
We launch.
We publish.
We present our ideas.
We unveil our work of art.
We open our business.
We start our career.
We complete and we begin.
Will people come?
Will the critics praise?
Will the buyers buy?
Now that we have birthed our child, will anyone care?
Perhaps it is not important if anyone cares, as long as we do.
Maybe it is not about launching as much as it is about building.
We built our muscles in the process.
Either physical or emotional or spiritual.
We traveled on a new path that brought us to an unknown destination.
The mere act of putting all the effort into it may be its own reward.
Perhaps we can learn to see our own growth as the greatest reward of all.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant