Our intuition may not be perfect.
Our hunches may not work out all the time.
Sometimes, we follow them and we make obvious mistakes in hindsight.
Yet our intuition guides us more accurately than our logic.
Because following our intuition, once we’ve practiced following it, just feels better.
Yes, it sometimes means ignoring the facts.
Yes, it sometimes means not being able to explain ourselves.
Yes, it sometimes even feels foolish in the face of other people’s logical arguments.
Yet when we follow the feeling we receive from our intuition, it just feels right.
It feels right in our bodies because we are learning to trust our body’s intelligence.
We have been taught to value the mind’s intelligence above all else.
This makes trusting our bodies more difficult.
Yet when we do, amazing things happen.
That person we felt wasn’t quite trustworthy, turns out to actually not be trustworthy.
That opportunity we took a chance on because it felt right, ended up paying off big time.
That relationship we were stuck in and didn’t feel right finally ends so we can meet our life partner.
Our intuition is right far more than it is wrong.
We just have to learn to trust it and use it more, like any muscle in the body.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant