Seeing what we don’t want to see about ourselves is some of the hardest work we can do.
Self-examination, self-reflection, and self-analysis is key to truly knowing ourselves. It’s not easy. and it’s not for the timid. It is easy to fool ourselves and believe that we are better than we really are.
It takes true courage and true strength to be raw and vulnerable, especially to ourselves.
None of us want to admit to ourselves that our motives are not so pure, that our desires are more base than we thought. Yet without that inner inspection, without that courageous vision to see ourselves as we truly are and not as we want to be, we cannot change.
We get blindsided by our own faults, our own flaws when we refuse to see them. Others can trick us and get to us through those little hidden dark places we refuse to examine.
It’s not so much about fixing ourselves, although that will happen as well. It’s about shining the light so we can see ourselves more clearly, bring a higher awareness of ourselves, so we can then watch for those little traps that keep us from being true to our ideals and our real spiritual identity.