Accepting help is not always easy for us.
We’re trained to be independent.
Sometimes relying on others can be disappointing.
Mostly, it is about learning to receive.
To get past the shame and feelings of unworthiness.
To know that we do deserve the help we want and need.
That others are willing and looking to help us.
And that by not asking for help, we are denying someone else a chance to give.
We all feel good about giving to others when it comes from our heart.
When we are in harmony with our spirit, we naturally like to help people.
Yet we often forget that other people feel the exact same way.
We feel that we don’t want to bother them.
That we don’t want to be a burden.
That they have better things to do with their time than help us.
Nothing is further from the truth.
This is not to say that there are not some people who don’t want to help others.
Of course there are.
However, the people who know you, like you, and trust you, do not feel that way about you.
You have been there for them in the past.
They also want to be there for you.
Not out of obligation.
Not out of guilt.
Out of a feeling of joy.
A feeling of flow.
To experience life from all sides.
For every giver there has to be a receiver.
For every person that wants to help, there has to be someone to help.
Why would we deny someone the chance to be that giver?
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant