Hate is not about Hatred.
Anger is not about Rage.
Fear is not about Fright.
When we go deep enough, what underlies them all is pain and sadness.
When we are in pain we lash out. We lash out without thought and without understanding.
We may pick a specific target for our hate and anger, yet it is not about that specific target.
It is about our pain. And underneath that pain is a profound sadness.
In the moment, all we can feel is that if we cause someone or something else pain, it will take away ours.
Nothing is further from the truth.
Pain only causes more pain. To stop the pain, we must be present to it, we must allow it to run its course without stuffing it down.
We all have pain and we all feel pain, the difference is how we deal with it.
The most important thing is not to pass it on.
So let’s give ourselves some space to feel our pain, to feel our sadness, and to allow our bodies to process it with time.
Perhaps when we learn not to pass on our pain we will see less pain in the world.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant