There are many ways to show up.
We can show up with kindness.
We can show up with coldness.
How we show is more about us than the situation.
The circumstances may be difficult to deal with.
They may not be what we want them to be.
When we come from a place of blaming or victimization, We feel worse.
When we come fromĀ a place of love and peace, we not only feel better, so do the people around us.
We often get triggered when people are not kind or gentle to us.
We take it personally.
We feel betrayed.
And that makes it hard to come from a gentle and loving place.
The reason to show up in a different way is not about the other person or the situation.
It is about what it does to us.
It is about the difference we make to ourselves.
It is about being kind and gentle to ourselves.
Being angry, hateful, and vengeful may make us feel more powerful in the moment.
However, when things settle down.
When we have some perspective.
When we take some time to feel into what is really going on inside of us, it is not who we are.
It is not how our soul and our heart truly wants to express itself.
It only hurts us.
To come from a place of peace and joy is not only for the benefit of others.
It is first and foremost for our own benefit.
For how it makes us feel.
For what it does to our bodies.
For the effect it has on our own chemistry and nervous system.
To be free from the anxiety that we feel when we get triggered by others, we can come from a higher place.
From a different perspective.
From a broader view of the situation.
We can rise above the immediate and see things from elevated view.
It looks much different from up there.
And that difference can make our lives beautiful.
And change the world.
By changing ourselves.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant