Working with groups of people can be a challenge at times. One disruptive person in your company, your business or your clientele can infest others and change the whole experience.
In those situations it is easy to blame the individual, to make them wrong, and to put all the responsibility for the situation in their corner.
The harder path is to look in the mirror.
How are you showing up in that situation? How are you enabling or allowing the unwanted behavior to flourish?
Have you spoken with the individual? Do you know why they are acting out the way they are? Do they feel safe enough to confide in you what is really going on in their life?
When we are hurt, feeling pain, and going through our own challenges, it is easy to ignore the fact that others might also have their own challenges.
Have you taken the time to find out?
Perhaps they are just a disruptive person and for the sake of the group you have to let them go. There may also be a way to resolve the difficulty by opening your own heart to them and finding out what’s really going on.