When the time comes to step up, stand out, make some noise, and take a stand, we are all a little shy, a little awkward, and a little scared.
That’s okay. It is scary to try something new, to push outside our comfort zone, and become the center of attention when we are not used to it.
Yet, if we are to make a difference, contribute, discover, and lead, we have to embrace that awkwardness and integrate it in as part of the process.
Nothing happens when we step back, don’t take risks, and maintain the status quo. Yes, it’s safer that way, and it leads us to just more of the same.
When we muster the courage to put ourselves out there, to allow the spotlight to shine on us, and speak our truth, then we can have an impact.
All great work impacts us, sometimes in ways we don’t understand. Sometimes the best reason for creating great work to merely to go through the process so we can learn to take the next step, and be the example for others to take their next step.
Let’s embrace the awkward stage, for soon it will be gone…