We look to live lives of meaning, we seek the profound in everyday life.
We desire for there to be something greater that we are a part of, something more than just life. It is as if we look for some deeper, hidden truth to justify our existence.
Why is it that we seek to create a greater meaning from just living our lives?
Why is just living life for the mere sake of it enough?
This is not to assume that there is not some higher truth or greater path we follow, it is only to question why can’t we just enjoy life as it is, and wait to see the deeper meaning revealed with time?
Is it so wrong to just enjoy life for its own sake? To revel in the beauty of nature for the sheer joy of it? To live fully in the moment because that’s what brings us happiness?
When we take our focus away from the future and the past and seek to keep in the never-ending present moment, we can find real joy without looking for meaning.
The journey for truth and meaning in our lives can be a joyful one. So can the journey of not looking. And we can change our mind which journey we are on at any given moment.