Blaming others is easy.
Pointing fingers, being a victim, putting all our problems on someone else, is what we are taught from a young age as acceptable.
You can do that. No one will stop you, and indeed, other will be happy to join in and add fuel to the fire.
What takes real courage is owning up to our own faults, our own lessons, to our own part of any situation, and take responsibility for it.
Society does not encourage that. After all, if everyone starts to take responsibility for everything in their lives, that empowers them and then they can make changes and society no longer has its hold on them.
For society at large, that’s a dangerous thing to happen.
For the individual, it is the path of most growth and self-actualization.
It may not be a popular point of view, yet the energy of it rings true. When we take responsibility for everything in our lives, when we own it, when we deeply understand that our energy attracts and creates all of life’s situations around us, we are liberated.
Pain may be unavoidable, but suffering is optional. By taking complete responsibility for our lives, we can end the suffering and heal the pain without destroying anything or anyone. We can make changes to our own lives. We can create magic.
What is it that you want? Victimhood or Magic?