In life, we often get upset at how we feel.
We think we should be happy and joyful all the time.
That we must break out of our patterns instantly.
Yet there is much to learn from being present to our feelings.
There is great information to be found in examining why we feel what we feel.
Regardless of whether we feel happy or sad, joyful or depressed, excited or apathetic.
When we judge ourselves for feeling a certain way, we cut ourselves off from the lesson.
We miss out on the beautiful potential for healing that is there.
Indeed, a much more productive approach is to notice our feelings.
What triggered them?
What enhances them?
What lessens them?
Is being fearful about what is happening in the moment or what happened decades ago?
Are our reactions to a given situation about how we feel about the other person or ourselves?
When we can look at what is coming up for us in our body without judgment or criticism, we have taken a big step forward.
When we learn to accept every aspect of ourselves without condition, then we are on a true path of healing.
And if we can bring ourselves to the point where we can actually observe and love everything that comes up inside of us, we have the magic that makes it all worthwhile.
For all of these feelings and emotions are a part of us.
They are here for a reason that serves us, even if we can’t see it in the moment.
When we trust ourselves so much that we allow all of what is present for us to be without judgment, we can truly live a life of freedom.
To love ourselves is to love everything within ourselves.
This does not mean we no longer strive to improve.
Indeed, we continue to unfold and evolve, yet it is from a place of joy, not unworthiness.
Loving all that arises within us is surely the path to peace.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant