People often say that reality is harsh, and that’s why we try so hard to escape in our culture.
We distract ourselves with movies, music, Facebook, real books, events of all kinds, alcohol, and other substances.
But isn’t it really not so much that reality is harsh, as it is our reaction to reality?
Isn’t it our desire to change reality, to make reality something other than what it is, that is the real cause of our stress?
How different would our lives be if we just learned to accept reality as it is, and when we want to see a change start with ourselves first? Instead of judging reality as wrong or undesirable, what if we just looked for the lesson in the situation?
What if instead of trying to change your co-worker, your friends, your in-laws or your boss, you just accepted them as they are and made your decisions assuming they are not going to change, they don’t need to change, and what you really need to change is yourself?
How would you show up differently? How would you talk to them, respond to them, or be with them? How could you see them reflecting something back to you that is really about what is going on inside of you?