Life often presents us with a choice – to choose ourselves or to choose someone else.
It comes in ways that are not often obvious. Are we choosing to take care of ourselves or others? Are we choosing to support our own projects or someone else’s vision?
It often feels easier to choose someone else, to support their business, their venture, their dream in exchange for money now.
When we choose ourselves, our vision, our dreams, the money often takes longer to come. Immediate gratification is hard to resist.
Yet, when we do choose our dreams, our vision, our project, the rewards are often many fold and greater. It is not just about immediate vs delayed gratification, but about minor growth vs greater growth.
It takes courage to choose yourself. It takes vision to choose yourself. It takes belief in yourself to choose yourself.
So let’s choose ourselves and practice having the courage, having the vision, having the support we all crave…