We all strive to create community in our lives, one way or another.
First, we are part of the community that is our family. When the family unit is functioning well, it becomes our primal community.
When the family unit is not functioning well, or we feel disconnected or alienated from our family unit, we then seek to find community in our friendships.
Friendship can be a foundation for community, if there is enough common ground and aligned intent to stay together. Often there is not.
Some use religion to find community, with the promise of brotherhood and sisterhood to bind the group together. When we find too much hypocrisy in the religious organization, we leave that community disappointed.
As we progress and find more of what we truly believe in, we almost inadvertently start to attract people into our life that are more like-minded and like-hearted to us.
So the more we become individuals, the more we know ourselves and do the deep inner work, the more we find the very thing that has been so elusive throughout our life – community.