There is this place inside of us where we hide.
We hide our own special form of crazy.
We hide our uniqueness and our innocence.
We hide the best part of ourselves.
We hide these things because we have been taught to.
We’ve been taught through our experience that it is not safe to be ourselves.
It’s not safe to show our true colors.
It’s not safe to admit to our friends or our partners how we really feel.
Our experience has shown us that others won’t accept us for being different.
The kids at school were merciless.
The neighborhood bullies made sure we would never be the same again.
Yet there comes a time in all of our lives where our soul drives us to break free.
Break free from that trauma.
Break free from that oppression.
To let our wings unfurl and attempt to fly once again.
It takes bravery.
It takes allowing ourselves to feel scared again.
It takes facing the fact that we might just be rejected again.
And yet we do it anyway.
We stand up and give ourselves permission to be who we really are.
To cast off the concern of what others may think.
To rid ourselves of the habit of pleasing others over ourselves.
And then we do it.
We speak our truth.
We express our individual nature.
We allow our light to shine as it was meant to.
And some will respond positively.
And some will not.
And that is life.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant