Messages come to us from the Universe every single day.
They come to us in many forms.
They show up in different aspects of our lives.
The important thing is to pay attention to them.
These messages may be ones of encouragement.
By the right people showing up at the right time.
By the unexpected phone call.
By the new opportunity showing up.
We sometimes things these are just the results of the work we’ve done.
And they are.
And they are more than that.
Why did things go so smoothly this time compared to the last?
Why did business suddenly pick up even though we haven’t done anything differently?
Pay attention.
Do the circumstances of your life move you in a particular direction?
Do they cause you to lean towards or away from a certain situation?
Perhaps the Universe is trying to tell you something.
Perhaps Life is speaking to you in the only way it can.
Are you open to listening?
Are your eyes opening to seeing?
If we are not open, we usually don’t see.
If we are closed off to a possibility by calling it “impossible” we usually don’t get it.
Nothing is impossible for Life.
Yes, there are many paths before us.
When we pay attention to the signs around us, we know which one to take.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant