There is really only one way to understand the world around us.
Many people have come up with all kinds of theories about why things are the way they are, how things got this way, and what to make of it all.
These ideas can be helpful, yet all we really have to do to understand the world around us is to truly understand ourselves.
Not in a superficial, ego-centered fashion that makes everything all about us.
To understand ourselves in a primal, emotive way, that reveals our deepest fears and our highest aspirations. When we can be truly honest with ourselves about what we desire and what motivates us, them we can begin to see the same desires and motivations being played out before our eyes.
When we admit to ourselves our trauma, our most ferocious fears, and our most terrifying nightmares, then we can begin to tame the violence we see around us within our own heart.
As we come to terms with all of these aspects of ourselves, and more, we begin to come to terms with all the outward manifestations of these energies.
When we find the peace within us, we move through life in peace.