How we identify ourselves is a tricky thing.
When we are young we identify with super heroes, sports figures or people in our lives.
As we grow, we identify ourselves by our profession, our status, or our businesses.
Then change happens, and suddenly we lose not just our job or our business, but our identity as well.
Yet we are none of those things we identify with. Our true identity is something that cannot be labeled or quantified. Our identity is more ephemeral than that.
For we are not our bodies, for our bodies completely change every seven years.
We are not our allegiances, for we can move and change our minds.
We are not our professions or careers, for those can all too quickly be taken away.
So what are we?
We are that energy that exists when we enter a room. We are that spirit that pervades our conversations and our actions. We are that feeling that we have when we connect with others.
We are all that, and more…