As we do our deep work a desire is often born.
A desire to be better than we are.
To be less ego-driven and more heart-centered.
That desire can sometimes lead us astray.
It can cause us to focus too much on the things that we consider to be wrong with us.
So we start to look at all the ways we are not perfect.
All the ways that our ego gets in the way and causes us trouble.
And we start to feel not good about ourselves.
We doubt ourselves and start examining every little motivation.
As if we somehow need to be perfect and live up to an impossible standard.
Many times, we focus on the ego and how it is the cause of all of our suffering.
Pushing against it with all our might and will to become what we think is a better person.
That is a trap.
A trap that the mind sets for us that is impossible to achieve.
For the real issue is not our ego.
Our ego gives us our sense of self.
It is essential for our survival on this planet.
And provides us with a sense of self worth and self value.
Both of which are very valuable to have.
So how do we deal with the challenges that the ego does provide?
The real issue is not the ego in and of itself.
It is how to keep it in balance with our heart, body, and soul.
For our ego or our mind is another important aspect of our consciousness.
Rather than looking to get rid of our ego, perhaps we should take a different approach.
Perhaps if we find a way to befriend the ego, it can serve us instead of being a challenge.
By befriending the ego we make it an ally.
We give it a new job to do instead of just allowing it to always make everything about us.
The ego can then function properly, in balance, giving us a proper sense of value and worth.
For when we focus and push against something so hard, it only gives it more energy.
So the ego will respond with temper tantrums and by acting out.
And it might seem as if even though we are doing everything we can to get rid of the ego, that it is actually getting stronger.
If we label the ego as our enemy, it will only go to war with us.
Yet if we make it our friend, our ally, and a a valuable part of who we are, it relaxes.
With any part of ourselves, if instead of trying to get rid of it with align with it in a conscious manner, we become more whole.
We bring that aspect of ourselves into greater consciousness and enlighten it with our appreciation.
Our ego did a great job of helping us survive and got us to this point in life.
Why not show it some love and gratitude for doing that?
Giving that part of ourselves some true appreciation softens it and allows the ego to function in a more aligned manner.
Instead of the ego running rampant and creating chaos in our life, it can actually help us on our path of healing and wholeness.
This might seem counter-intuitive, but it works.
The less we push away the different sides of ourselves and the more we accept them and honor them, the more they will serve us.
So how has your own ego served you and how can you make it an ally and a friend?
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant
Host of The Conscious Consultant Hour