We all try to avoid them.
Those uncomfortable feelings we feel sometimes.
Those feelings of sadness, anger, grief, loneliness, and depression.
Yet our desire to avoid them does not serve us.
It does not serve us for many reasons.
Mainly, it does not serve us because whether we consciously feel them or not, they are there in our body.
They are present in our nervous system.
And their presence means they are affecting us regardless of whether we are present to them or not.
The difference is that if we are present to them, we can release them much quicker.
If we deny their existence, they will linger around.
Causing us to make decisions that might not be in our best interest.
Causing us to experience issues with our bodies or our minds.
Being present to these feelings is the only way to process them.
To keep them from turning into something physical.
To stop them from causing an illness.
The illness may show up as a physical or emotional issue.
What was once some sadness turns into full blown depression.
What was once some anger turns into a disease that eats up the body.
To be present to the feelings is the first step toward wholeness.
For when we are present to how we feel we can no longer ignore it.
Then it is tie to dig in deep.
Where do these feelings come from?
When did we first experience it?
How do they repeat in our lives?
What is the lesson and the beauty of it?
How has it served us all these years?
While the uncomfortable feelings may seem like just a difficulty to overcome, they have, in some way, served us.
They protected us when we needed protection.
They are the expression of something that was inside of us and needed to come out.
When we stop judging these feeling and start accepting them as gifts regardless of how comfortable or uncomfortable they may be, we find liberation and peace.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant