We all have a history.
We have experiences that have influenced us throughout our lives.
In some ways, they made us who we are today.
And at the same time we can change those histories.
Or perhaps more accurately, we can change the stories we have created about them.
The meaning we have assigned to them.
The significance we have given them.
What if we are wrong about our history?
What if our perspective is too limited?
What if instead of interpreting our history as something that has hurt us, we can see that it was actually something that serves us?
Can we shift our perspective from one that is dis-empowering to one that is empowering?
When we move away from blame to gratitude amazing things happen.
When we can see a different interpretation, perhaps many interpretations, we can choose a different history.
One where we were supported and cared for the whole time.
One that was serving a higher purpose without our knowledge.
The events can be the same.
The facts haven’t changed.
Yet the energy can shift and move from something as simple as understanding that someone’s motivation was not what we thought it was.
That they actually cared about us.
That they were doing what they thought was best.
That in the long run, what they did was for our own good, not something against us.
It may not be easy to shift our perspective.
It takes a willingness to be wrong.
To be wrong about how we have seen the past our whole lives.
To be wrong about other people.
To be wrong about life.
When we open up to that possibility, we are open to a whole new world.
A world where our history is not what we thought it was.
Wouldn’t that be great?
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant