We often rush to the next thing to do.
Filling our lives with being busy.
Acting as if we’re afraid to relax.
When taking a pause is probably the nest thing we can do.
To give ourselves a break.
To take a moment and just breath.
To take in life and all it has given us.
It only takes a moment.
To stop and be still.
To just be instead of doing something.
And allow ourselves to be present to this instant in time.
There is so much richness in this moment.
There is a world of feelings and sensations.
We can learn so much from the moment.
If we can only stop and wait.
Not rush to the next task.
Not engage in another conversation.
Instead to just listen.
Listen to what’s all around us.
Listen to what’s in us.
Listen to what life is trying to tell us.
It’s all there if we just look for it.
To look for it by not looking.
To find it by not being active.
Just sitting, being open, and waiting.
Life does not pass us by when we wait.
We are merely giving it space to bring to us something new.
Or something important.
Or something we want.
There is so much here for us if we could only be present to it.
And learn to just be sometimes instead of doing all the time.
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant