We all have a magical super power.
It is so strong that it creates worlds.
Yet we barely notice that we use it all the time.
And that is the power of our focus.
The power to direct or mind and or thoughts is extraordinary.
Yet we often forget the result of using that power.
We have all seen it in action.
The more we focus on something, the larger it grows.
Whether it is something that benefits us or not.
We can focus on our pain and find more pain.
We can focus on our joy and find more joy.
It is up to us.
We get to choose what we focus on.
Do we focus on the solution or the challenge?
Do we focus on our past, the future, or the present?
And does what we focus on serve us in this moment?
One of the biggest mistakes we make is focusing on something that we don’t want in our lives.
Yet by focusing on it, we give it more power.
More energy.
More prominence in our lives.
Instead of focusing on what we really want.
Perhaps it is more health, more fun, or more prosperity.
It may take practice to be conscious with our focus.
To recognize what it is we are actually focusing on.
And when we have that awareness, we can bring more choice to our lives.
And choose to focus on something else.
Or a different aspect of the situation.
There are always other ways to see the same situation.
It all depends on what we are focusing on.
Are you aware of what you focus on in your life?
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant